Mesin pemotong laser telung dimensi kanggo bahan berbentuk khusus ing industri otomotif minangka peralatan khusus kanggo nglereni bahan berbentuk khusus ing industri otomotif. Iku nggunakake teknologi laser minangka alat nglereni, kang bisa Cut variou ...
Ing bidang manufaktur peralatan rumah tangga, integrasi baris produksi lengkap sing kalebu mesin penet, feeder servo, straightener, lan decoiler nduweni peran penting kanggo ningkatake efisiensi, presisi, lan produksi sakabehe ...
Stamping, welding, lukisan, lan perakitan minangka papat proses utama ing produksi otomotif. Miturut statistik industri, sheet metal stamping akun kanggo liwat 40% saka 2000-plus varieties saka komponen otomotif. Sing penting...
In the aviation industry, stamping refers to the process of utilizing stamping techniques to cut, shape, and process metal materials for manufacturing various components and structural elements of aircraft. This process is typically achieved through ...
Customization Trend: Stamping technology injects a trend of customization into the furniture manufacturing sector. By flexibly configuring stamping molds, the company can produce a myriad of uniquely styled custom furniture, meeting the diverse aesth...