Ever seen machines where any number of metal parts are created at the speed of light? Well, these machines are progressive stamping die machines. The way that they function is by removing portions of flat metal and shaping those regions into certain shapes, usually by cutting them out using high-powered lasers or presses. The step-by-step or continuous approach to this process is termed as progressive. Every Lihao machine has a part that is responsible for something and this is the reason of it working so well to create parts from metal.
A dedicated tool is needed for every different part, or set of parts that are to be produced using a progressive stamping die. They can create basic, small disks with a hole in the middle called washers or they can manufacture more complex parts found in cars, electronic devices and even planes. The matrica za štancanje machine passes the metal strip trough various stations that give shape to the metal in a different way at each station. Once the strip goes through all the stations, finished parts are then available for use in many products.
There are quite a few advantages to using progressive stamping die machines in factories. For starters, make parts much faster than the older machines they previously had to use. Thousands of copies can be created in a very short span of time, decreasing the overall production time for factories. A factory is able to handle a lot more customer orders when it can produce parts faster.
Another great thing about progressive stamping die machines is their versatility. It can be used for the production of a great number of different parts pertaining to any branch. This makes them perfect for a wide insulation of applications like automotive manufacturing, electronics and even appliance production. Moreover, as these Lihao machines work nearly autonomously, workers need to be less responsible for them than before. In the long term this could save factories money.
For designing progressive stamping die machine, some important factors should be taken in a careful consideration. The type of metal that is being used is important first. Every metal has its own properties and requires distinctive kinds of tools depending on how difficult that metal is. So, as an example, one of the reasons why we might design something made out of butter or modeling clay is because Lihao kalupi za utiskivanje metala are easier to cut than copper or steel.
One of best way to avoid having problems is to perform maintenance on the progressive stamping die machine. This means replacing worn tools, inspecting for any components that might be a bit off, and working to keep the machine running smooth by keeping it clean and oiled up. By servicing the turbine on a regular basis, you can also help prevent more serious problems from forming and keep the machine running smoothly.
It is also an excellent practice to closely observe the machine as it runs. It also helps the operator hear what is normal so they can be alerted if something sounds different from usual, or observe unfamiliar movements that could lead to less than ideal results. To avoid potential issues, if they do arise they should be resolved quickly and fully. This can mean repairing or replacing parts, adjusting the machine or even modifying the tooling, progressive čelični kalupi za utiskivanje design to prevent similar problems in the future.
Lihao stroj je vodeći na tržištu od 1996. Bio je pouzdan dobavljač na nacionalnom i međunarodnom tržištu. Naši se proizvodi koriste u raznim industrijama diljem svijeta. Našim klijentima širom svijeta nudimo više od 20 ureda u Kini, a dodatno imamo podružnicu u Indiji. Naše snažne tehnološke mogućnosti omogućuju prilagođena rješenja za različite industrije.
We are specialists in the world of engineering and durable tooling designs, while minimizing setup adjustments and scrap production that is reducing. Our Progressive stamping die offer global commissioning and training that ensures integration that is seamless performance worldwide which is optimum. We be sure efficiency that is maximum minimized downtime with your in-house production, quality free parts and support this is certainly technical. Since a ISO9001:2000 that is certified and EU CE, we uphold the product quality standards which is finest.
Lihao Machine nudi prilagođena rješenja i cjelovite usluge kako bi zadovoljio različite kupce. Nudimo integrirane usluge koje obuhvaćaju dizajn, proizvodnju i prodaju. Naš predani tim za istraživanje i razvoj pružit će vam personalizirane alternative i tehničku raspravu jamčeći da je svako rješenje savršeno prilagođeno kako bi zadovoljilo vaše potrebe.
Usmjereni smo na inovacije i pouzdanost te ćemo također stalno širiti naše usluge i artikle. Naš iskusan Lihao tim ima kapacitet pružiti vrhunska rješenja, stvarajući nam preferirani izbor opreme za automatizaciju žigosanja. Bili smo posvećeni zadovoljstvu kupaca, dosljedno pružajući opremu vrhunske kvalitete i izvrsnog dobavljača.